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start accepting Frictionless payments



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Integrated platform for all Payments methods

SADAD strives for convergence with as many technology frameworks as possible in order to broaden your user base.
You can accept online payments through all available ways, such as credit cards, NAPS debit cards, and wallets, by
conveniently incorporating SADAD Payment Portal into your current setup.

Single API
integration for
all payment methods

Save time
and effort thus
lowering the probability
of mistakes

Go live in
less than 2 hrs


Offer secure transactions, faster checkout experiences and new payment acceptance options with SADAD Tokenization solution.

The Card Storage Vault from SADAD is planned to safely store and recall your customers' credit card information for quicker repeat purchases. The card information of the customer is secured and safely stored against a special token/identifier sent by you when the transaction is initiated. One of these standards, tokenization, removes card data entirely, adding another level of security. it solves the problem of storing real credit card data and helps to secure the payment process on your website or mobile application.

SADAD Tokenization solution helps you

  • Provides Save Card option for your repeat customers
  • Allows for recurring payments and other payment options in a safe environment
  • Simplifying the subscription-based processes
  • Reduces significantly the risk for a data breach

Saving on costs

Enhanced security

Allow customers to pay with a single click

Pre-Authorization on Cards

Merchants may ensure that their clients pay for the goods and services they use by pre-authorizing payments. A pre-authorization is a temporary lock imposed on a customer's credit card by a merchant in order to reserve funds for a potential purchase transaction.

How SADAD’s Pre-Authorization on Cards facility can save your cost and ensure payments from your customers.

  • Assurance that the customer has sufficient funds.
  • On cancelled orders or if a refund is demanded, no transaction cost (TDR) is charged.
  • Customers have a better experience when they get their refunds immediately.
  • Increased operating productivity since the process of reviewing reimbursement demands in the system and then making outgoing payments is stopped.
  • Fees for returns, TDR, and the difficulty of handling chargebacks are also avoided
  • Saving merchant's time and resources.

Get higher success rate through our Smart Dynamic Routing

More successful payments mean more sales for your business.

  • SADAD’s dynamic routing reduces the failure rate
  • Reduce transaction latency, leading to a great customer experience

Payment Routing Intelligence

Conversions are effective as transfers are automatically routed to the active server

Smart Routing With Advanced Technologies

Increases successful conversions by using cutting-edge technologies and advanced logic

SADAD uses intelligent routing technology using direct Acquiring banks’ gateway integration to manage the transaction flow and improve performance.

Our system detects the downtime and automatically route transactions to another bank’s server to provide seamless transaction experience to payers.

  • Our transaction dropout rate is 4-6%
  • Vis-à-vis Market average is 15-20%

Retry Payment option

Retry your payments without returning to the merchant's website & increases the success rate by more than 10%.

If a customer's payment fails due to reasons such as wrong credit card numbers, bank outages, and so on. With our smart retry payment system, you can give your customer more chances to complete the purchase instead of going through the whole process of filling out the payment details.

Dynamic Event Notification through our Webhook

Most of the time, transfers malfunction when network servers are down, and our servers continue to listen and pull the transaction as soon as the network is restored.

Sadad's Webhooks alerts functionality brings you up to date if such payment-related incident happens in your account.

You can customize these webhooks from your Dashboard, with different URLs for live and test modes. Notifications will be sent to the URL by Sadad.

  • Transactions
  • Refunds
  • Payouts
  • Recurring Payments

Customers have a more frictionless journey across the merchant's website owing to
Sadad's world-class security measures. As a result, the 3DS protocol's drop-off rate will be drastically reduced,
and customers will gladly return to the merchant's website.

Data-driven authentication with 3D Secure 2.0

SADAD is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant and offers strong support. Adding 3D Protected 2.0 to your checkout process will help guarantee a secure checkout for your customers, protect your company against unauthorized transactions, and ensure that your transactions comply with SCA requirements.

Rich data sharing leads to more secure payments.

Sadad's rich data authentication system allows issuers to perform Risk-Based Authentication

Reduced risk
of fraud

An additional layer of authentication ensures that you will only accept card payments from legitimate customers.

Chargeback Liability
shift of 3D Secure

If a transaction is disputed or charged back due to fraud, the responsibility for the transaction shifts from the merchant to the card issuer.

Preventing Fraud with Fraud & Risk Identification System

To stop illegal practices, our experienced fraud identification team closely monitors each transaction.

When you have to handle large amounts of transactions in your business, SADAD's Fraud & Risk Detection System is extremely important. It enables you to detect fraudulent activity before it progresses any farther in the payment chain. Our algorithms have an exceptional degree of risk analysis by comparing each transaction to a negative database compiled over a decade and tested through various parameters such as high-risk global IP address authentication, BIN number mapping & velocity checks.

  • Prevent your brand from getting affected by frauds!
  • Pick SADAD’s the most reliable POS machine.

Get the most out of your transactions data

  • Get real time data insights of transactions
  • Single platform to manage transactions processed from any of SADAD’s products
  • Manage transactions history with no expiry date.
  • Track terminal location through GPS enabled function.
  • Manage customer data transacted through your platform.
  • Understand fraud pattern, reduce fraud

Personalized Reports with transaction details

  • Real-time custom reporting
  • Get reports on transactions, settlement, refunds, chargebacks
  • Download reports in a variety of file formats. (Pdf, Csv, Xls)
  • Reports can be downloaded and emailed

Powerful Data Analytics and Intuitive Visuals

  • Display real-time data in maps and graphs with Data Analytics feature
  • To obtain fast detail, visualize the data in graphical form rather than statistics.
  • Graphs can be interpreted in terms of transaction status, payment modes, and periodic basis.

Multilingual Checkout Page

With SADAD's multilingual checkout page deliver a “localized” shopping
and payment experience to all segments of your target audience.

Supported Language in Qatar

  • English
  • Arabic

You can now target consumers by ads in their native language,
and you can see eye-opening returns with better purchase success rates.

Payments from Internationally accepted cards

Accept payments in major foreign currencies and allow your customers to pay in the currency they are most familiar with.

  • Transactions with the highest success rates.
  • Quicker Resolution with a T+2 settlement plan.
  • There are no extra fees. Only standard International charges.

So, how long are you going to wait?
Expand your global presence, Sign Up today.